November 11, 2024 Town of Brusly Brusly, Louisiana The regular meeting of the Town of…
Town Meeting Minutes – Monday, August 9, 2004
August 9, 2004
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana
The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was held this date, August 9th, 2004 at the Brusly Town Hall. Mayor Joey Normand called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., and requested that all electronic devices be turned off or silenced. Council Member Babin led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call by Town Clerk Jules Lefeaux determined the following officials present:
Mayor: Joey Normand
Council Members: Daryl Babin, Shane Andre’, Ronda Perrault,
Joanne Bourgeois
Absent: Chris Kershaw
Town Attorney: Jamie Fontenot
Mayor Joey Normand introduced Mr. David Corona, Superintendent of West Baton Rouge Schools, who intends to make even more improvements to our school system. Mayor Normand stressed the importance of good schools to our community, and told of three Council Members who are former school teachers.
A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s Regular Meeting of July 12, 2004 was made by Council Member Bourgeois, seconded by Council Member Perrault, and passed with no opposing votes.
Finance Committee business included declaring a list of surplus equipment as “junk”, since the items brought no bids at a recent auction. The motion to accomplish this was made by Council Member Bourgeois, seconded by Council Member Andre’, and passed with no opposing votes.
Under Personnel Committee, a motion to approve new job descriptions for the clerical staff was made by Council Member Perrault, seconded by Council Member Bourgeois, and passed with no opposing votes.
Under Recreation Committee business, Council Member Andre’ reported that practice for the Brusly Bears football team had begun.
Police Committee business included a recommendation by Police Chief Emmett Worley to continue to employ Sgt. Jonathan Lefeaux as a Reserve Officer. The motion to appoint Jonathan Lefeaux a reserve officer was made by Council Member Andre’, seconded by Council Member Babin, and passed with no opposing votes.
The Grant Committee is seeking funds from Entergy for records preservation. Council Member Bourgeois reported that the Town is not eligible for a “Safe and Sober” grant from the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission, per a meeting with the staff of that entity.
Council Member Babin introduced an ordinance to adopt the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code. Council Member Perrault introduced an ordinance to increase subpoena fees for police officers.
Police Chief Emmett Worley presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Sgt. Jonathan Lefeaux for more than four years of service, during which he was named “Officer of the Year” twice; he was cited for bringing good public relations to the citizens while serving as school resource officer, recovering the stolen Brusly Oak Tree Historical Marker, and capturing a man in the act of attempted murder. Mayor Normand complimented his manner of law enforcement, as no complaints were received in four years.
Mayor Normand led the discussion on a Resolution to approve, ratify, and confirm the grant application to the Governor’s Office of Rural Development for $25,000. The motion to adopt the Resolution was made by Council Member Bourgeois, seconded by Council Member Babin, and passed with no opposing votes.
Since a grant may be available from the Capital District Law Enforcement Planning Council, a motion was made by Council Member Perrault, and seconded by Council Member Andre’ to authorize the Mayor to accept the police equipment grant and provide up to $300 in matching funds. The motion passed with four council members present in favor.
The report of the Brusly Volunteer Fire Department was given by Fire Chief Mike Alleman. In July, there were three first aid calls in the Town and 11 first aid calls outside the Town. There was one fire call in the town (a false alarm at a store) and three fire calls outside the Town. There were three mutual aid calls answered. The total calls for the month of July 2004 was 21, and 186 calls for the year. Chief Alleman invited all to the Fire Department’ 50th Anniversary Celebration at 10:00 A.M. on Sunday, August 15th , which will include displays of firefighting equipment, presentations by officials, a memorial statue unveiling and dedication, food and refreshments.
Police Chief Emmett Worley gave the Police Department report for the month of July. He stated that there were four wrecks, 31 bench warrant arrests—a new record; one battery, four damages to property, 11 disturbing the peace incidents, five thefts, one burglary, five house alarms, 18 assistances to other agencies, two 911 calls, four drug arrests, one domestic call, two juvenile matters, 29 traffic arrests, 16 miscellaneous calls, and one sex crime, for a total of 135 calls and 338 traffic citations issued. Chief Worley said the computerized bench warrant system brought in $515 due to the arrest of three offenders. Mayor Normand advised that about $27,000 in fines and bench warrant fees were collected in June, which is almost double the budget of $14,000 per month. This is due to Officer Dexter Walker’s work on the bench warrant cases, and his good motivation.
Correspondence received included a thank you card from Dawn Jason, Peggy LeBlanc, and Lindsay Tassin, three Brusly High School students, who won a grant for a project with bats. Mayor Normand described how bats help control mosquitoes. The girls traveled to Washington, D.C. for two weeks of training that included promoting the building of houses for bats. Also, a letter from W.B.R. Parish President “Peewee” Berthelot described the possibility of the proposed extension of Highway 415 to Highway 1, including a new bridge over the Intracoastal Canal.
Mayor Normand gave the Mayor’s report for the month. Mrs. Debbie Berthelot provided for the closing of the Tax Refund Account. The Town website now lists active bench warrant cases. Work on ditches along Ory Drive is now complete. The Mayor attended a victory party for Relay for Life cancer benefit; the program was very successful, with $32,000 collected. The Town of Brusly team was led by Attorney Jamie Fontenot. He heard a presentation on the proposed North Loop Road; it was suggested that it may be a toll road.
Under Remarks of Personal Privilege, Jules Lefeaux (speaking as Secretary-Treasurer of Fire Protection Subdistrict No. 2) advised Donald DeVille, CPA had completed the annual audit of the Fire Department’s finances, and found no problems with accounting or operations. The Auditor’s full report will be presented at the October 11th quarterly meeting. Firefighter-Investigator Kenny Hunts invited everyone to the 50th Anniversary ceremonies to be held August 15th, to include dedicating the Fireman Statue to deceased firemen, equipment displays, presentations by officials, and lunch. Mr. Hunts asked that anyone who knows a deceased fireman would give him their name, so they could be honored. Council Member Andre’ reported incidents of vandalism at Alexander Park, and requested more police protection. Mayor Normand thanked the citizens for returning him to office unopposed, and gave credit for our good Town government to the current Town Council Members, who work together very well, and have made many improvements in the Town.
Mayor Normand announced the Culvert Program application deadline is August 16th to participate in 2004-05. He invited all to the Chamber of Commerce Brusly Candidates’ Forum on August 30th.
A motion was made by Council Member Perrault to adjourn, seconded by Council Member Babin. The motion was unopposed. The meeting ended at 7:04 p.m.
/S/ Joey Normand, Mayor /S/ Jules Lefeaux, Town Clerk