Town Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, September 28, 2011
September 28, 2011
A regular meeting of the Brusly Planning & Zoning Commission was held on Wednesday September 28, 2011 in the Council Chambers, Brusly Town Hall, Brusly, Louisiana. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Members present: Carroll Fontenot, Steve Perkins, Claudette Purnell,
Gary Soniat, Rosa Stelly, Jules Thibodaux, Jeff Travasos.
Members absent: None
Others present: Mayor Joey Normand, Chris Kershaw, and a large group of residents from Orleans Quarters and Allene Subdivisions.
Upon motion of Mr., Thibodaux, seconded by Mr. Soniat, the Minutes of the August 24, 2011 meeting were approved as written.
No items submitted.
The secretary read a Letter from Shawn Hima, with Alvin Fairburn & Associates, LLC withdrawing the previously submitted Preliminary Plat for the Orleans Quarters 2nd filing.
Letters from Mr. Dane D’armond and Mr. Henry Melancon, Sr. were read granting authorization for submittal of the Preliminary Plat for Orleans West Subdivision.
Mr. Shawn Hima with Alvin Fairburn & Associates was recognized. He presented the plat for Orleans West Subdivision stating that the property is zoned R-1, all lots meet the 9,600 Square Foot requirement and no variances are requested. He advised the commission that since the submission of the plat, item #20 in the general notes was revised.
The Chairman opened the Public Hearing on the Preliminary Plat of Orleans West Subdivision being the subdivision of the following described properties:
Tract B Dane & Bonnie T. D’Armond Property: +/- 17 acres located in Sec. 55, T8S, R12E, Southeast Land District, West of the Mississippi River, West Baton Rouge Parish, La.
Henry J. Melancon Sr. Tract: +/- 17 acres located in Sec. 55, T8S, R12E, Southeast Land District, West of the Mississippi River, West Baton Rouge Parish, LA.
Seven residents of Orleans Quarters Subdivision and four residents of Allene Subdivision were recognized and spoke in opposition to the proposed subdivision. Mr. Rusty Daigle brought to the attention of the Commission that the revised plat “Orleans West Subdivision” was not submitted to the Water Board and Fire Department as required in Sec. 19.16 (b) and requested that the Commission defer action. Concerns included: drainage, traffic, safety, ingress and egress, impact on schools, impact on infrastructure, number of lots and size of lots, square foot requirements for homes that will be built and property values. Some of the Orleans Quarters residents who spoke referred to when they purchased their property and the promises made for development of the second filing.
“Good Growth” was brought up and there was a request for impact studies.
The Chairman closed the public hearing at 7:10 PM. He asked for comments from commission members; there were none. He called for a motion.
Mr. Thibodaux made a motion to defer action until the October meeting in order to submit the plat and receive recommendations from the Water Board and Fire Department. Mr. Soniat seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, it carried unanimously.
There was no other business to come before the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Mr. Soniat made a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Purnell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission adjourned at 7:15 PM.
Marianne Berthelot, Secretary