November 11, 2024 Town of Brusly Brusly, Louisiana The regular meeting of the Town of…
Town Meeting Minutes – Monday, March 14, 2005
March 14, 2005
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana
The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was held this date, March 14, 2005 at the Brusly Town Hall. Mayor Joey Normand called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., and requested that all electronic devices be turned off or silenced. Council Member Perrault led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call by Town Clerk Jules Lefeaux determined the following officials present:
Mayor: Joey Normand
Council Members: David Rodrigue, Ronda Perrault, Joanne Bourgeois,
Shane Andre’, Chris Kershaw
Town Attorney: Jamie Fontenot
At the Mayor’s request, Council Member Bourgeois made a motion to amend the agenda to hear Item 10, a Proclamation for Randall “Blue” Gay. Her motion was seconded by Council Member Andre’ and passed with no opposing votes. Mayor Normand then read the attached Proclamation honoring Mr. Gay for academic honors as well as an outstanding professional football player in this year’s Super Bowl; he was named a ”shining star” of our community.
The first agenda item was a report by Ms. Sharon Stam of the Tourist Commission. She announced that 60,000 visitors received services last year, and described the upcoming Kite Festival as the first to be held in Louisiana.
A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s Regular Meeting of February 14, 2005 was made by Council Member Bourgeois, seconded by Council Member Perrault and passed with no opposing votes.
A motion to approve the minutes of a Special Meeting of February 17, 2005 was made by Council Member Kershaw, seconded by Council Member Andre’ and passed with no opposing votes.
Under Public Works, Mayor Normand recommended approval of the Oaks Plaza Drive Construction drawings after receiving a favorable recommendation from the Town’s engineer, the firm of Owen & White. A motion for approval of the Construction Drawings was made by Council Member Perrault, seconded by Council Member Rodrigue and passed with a unanimous vote.
Mayor Normand led the discussion of the need to declare three 25 HP sewer pumps as surplus. Town Clerk Lefeaux advised by letter that the newest pump should sell for over $3,000 and the two older pumps should bring at least $700 each when advertised over the internet for sale to other municipalities. A motion to set minimum sale prices as recommended above was made by Council Member Perrault, seconded by Council Member Bourgeois and passed with no opposing votes.
Planning and Zoning business included the minutes of their February 23rd meeting. At their March 23rd meeting, there will be a public hearing on four variances requested by Mr. George “Skipper” Grady to build a house at the end of Blanchard Street.
Under Finance Committee business, Council Member Kershaw asked about the budget, and Mayor Normand advised he had asked department heads to send written requests for their departments’ needs by April 16th.
Personnel Committee business included renewal of the employees’ health insurance policy. A committee consisting of the Mayor, Council Member Kershaw, and Council Member Perrault reviewed the current coverage and options. Mayor Normand recommended a new Blue Cross plan that would have less benefits, but a price 17% lower than the present plan. A motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with Blue Cross was made by Council Member Andre’, seconded by Council Member Perrault and passed with no opposing votes.
Recreation Committee items were reported by Council Member Bourgeois: The Cleanest City judging will be done on April 8th at 9:00 A.M. and a cemetery cleanup will be done this Saturday, March 19th at 8:00 A.M.
Under Police Committee, Mayor Normand reported that a police car had been wrecked, and needed to be replaced. Chief Jamie Whaley and Jules Lefeaux checked on used police units for sale by the City of Baton Rouge, and found their program had good used cars that would benefit the Town of Brusly. A consensus of Council Members felt the purchase of one car would be good.
Chief Jamie Whaley briefly described three applicants for Reserve Police Officer:
Aaron McKinney, Scott Larson, and Jimmy Bible. Mr. McKinney and Mr. Larson had both passed the required psychological tests, and Mr. Bible is a P.O.S.T. certified police officer. A motion to appoint Aaron McKinney a reserve officer was made by Council Member Andre’, seconded by Council Member Bourgeois, and passed with no opposing votes. A motion to appoint Scott Larson a reserve officer was made by Council Member Perrault, seconded by Council Member Kershaw, and passed with all in favor. A motion to appoint Jimmy Bible a reserve officer was made by Council Member Andre’, seconded by Council Member Perrault, and passed with no opposing votes.
Also under Police Committee, Mayor Normand recommended a 2000 Ford police unit now being used by the administration be declared surplus. Town Clerk Lefeaux advised a minimum sale price could be set at $3,500. A motion to sell the 2000 Ford car at auction at the Town Hall, with a minimum sale price of $3,500, was made by Council Member Andre’, seconded by Council Member Bourgeois and passed with no opposing votes. Chief Whaley stated the need to advertise a vacant police officer position to be filled.
Council Member Bourgeois advised that the Rural Development grant of 2004 had been finalized.
Mayor Normand called for a hearing and final action on Ordinance No. 2 of 2005 involving the use of municipal vehicles. He read the heading and called for a public hearing on the proposed ordinance. As no comments were offered, the Mayor closed the public hearing and called for discussion by the Town Council. Upon motion by Council Member Bourgeois and second by Council Member Perrault, Ordinance No. 2 was adopted with the following vote:
YEAS: Rodrigue, Perrault, Bourgeois, Andre’, Kershaw
NAYS: None
Absent: None
Mayor Normand called for a hearing and final action on Ordinance No. 3 of 2005, to change Police Subpoena Fees. He read the heading and called for a public hearing on the proposed ordinance. As no comments were offered, the Mayor closed the public hearing and called for discussion by the Town Council. Upon motion by Council Member Andre’ and second by Council Member Kershaw, Ordinance No. 3 was adopted with the following vote:
YEAS: Rodrigue, Perrault, Bourgeois, Andre’, Kershaw
NAYS: None
Absent: None
Mayor Normand called for a hearing and final action on Ordinance No. 4 of 2005 to increase the speed limit on West Saint Francis Street to 45 mph. He read the heading and called for a public hearing on the proposed ordinance. Mr. Sid Barber asked about the school zone speed limit; it would stay the same at 25 mph. It was suggested by Council Member Rodrigue that lights on the school zone sign would be helpful. With no further comments offered, the Mayor closed the public hearing and called for discussion by the Town Council. Upon motion by Council Member Rodrigue and second by Council Member Perrault, Ordinance No. 4 was adopted with the following vote:
YEAS: Rodrigue, Perrault, Bourgeois, Andre’, Kershaw
NAYS: None
Absent: None
Mayor Normand called for a hearing and final action on Ordinance No. 6 of 2005, regarding alcohol permits. He read the heading and advised that passing the ordinance would cause harm to currently licensed business. Attorney Fontenot advised a vote should be taken. He called for a public hearing on the proposed ordinance. As no comments were offered, the Mayor closed the public hearing and called for discussion by the Town Council. As no motion was offered by any Council Member, the Mayor declared that the ordinance failed to pass.
Mayor Normand called for a hearing and final action on Ordinance No. 7 of 2005, to define barrooms and saloons, and prohibit them. He read the heading and called for a public hearing on the proposed ordinance. Mr. Daryl Jones said the Town does not need barrooms. Mr. Sid Barber asked if the ordinance included daiquiri shops, and active discussion ensued. Then the Mayor closed the public hearing and called for discussion by the Town Council. Council Member Kershaw was concerned about “high alcohol content”. Town Clerk Lefeaux advised that the wording could be changed to “alcoholic beverages”. Upon motion by Council Member Bourgeois and second by Council Member Andre’, the amended Ordinance No. 7 was adopted with the following vote:
YEAS: Rodrigue, Perrault, Bourgeois, Andre’, Kershaw
NAYS: None
Absent: None
Introductions of Ordinances were made as listed:
Add new Streets and Traffic Signs, Ord. No. 8, by Council Member Bourgeois; to add Traffic Signs, Ord. No. 9, by Council Member Perrault.
The report of the Brusly Volunteer Fire Department was given by Fire Chief Michael Alleman. In February, there were five first aid calls in the Town and 9 first aid calls outside the Town. There were no fire calls in the Town and four fire calls outside the Town. The Fire Department responded to three motor vehicle accidents and answered one mutual aid call in Addis. The total calls for the month of February was 22, and 54 calls for the year. Chief Alleman said they worked on the budget and turned their figures over to Secretary-Treasurer Jules Lefeaux and Mr. Kershaw, and would present a budget at the April Fire Subdistrict Meeting. He cautioned Council Members about allowing three-story buildings to be constructed, as they cause the fire department to maintain a ladder truck or possibly have a lower rating.
The Police Department report for the month of February was given by Chief Jamie Whaley. He stated that there were 8 wrecks, 7 bench warrant arrests, one DWI arrest, one aggravated assault, one felony theft, three burglaries, 11 assistances to other agencies, two 911 calls, one drug arrest, three domestic calls, one juvenile matter, 13 traffic arrests and 14 miscellaneous calls, for a total of 66 calls and 131 traffic citations issued for 173 violations. Chief Whaley reported that Officer D. J. Vallet will graduate from the Police Academy on March 18th. Council Member Kershaw asked about defensive driving classes for officers, and Chief Whaley said the State Police are trying to find an instructor.
Correspondence of importance included a letter from Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell, who is seeking support regarding placing railroads under the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission.
Mayor Normand gave the Mayor’s report for the month. He and several Council Members participated in Dr. Seuss Day at Brusly Elementary School by doing readings. A Black History Month celebration at Union Baptist Church was attended by the Mayor and Council Members Bourgeois, Rodrigue, and Kershaw. The Mayor attended a D.A.R.E. Graduation at Lukeville, and recommends it as a very good program. “Front Brusly” and “Back Brusly” signs were erected, courtesy of the Office of Highways. He attended a mediation session sponsored by the LA Municipal Association for the Town of French Settlement. Mayor Normand and Town Clerk Lefeaux visited the Chamber of Commerce’s annual exposition on February 15th. The Parish Council held its meeting at the Brusly Town Hall on March 10th followed by a meal; this was a very positive thing for them to do. Work should begin soon on Allene Street Extension. Proposed Ordinance No. 5 for Wal-Mart is progressing, and agreements are being made between the Parish and municipalities, and between the Parish and Wal-Mart.
Under Remarks of Personal Privilege, Daryl Jones commended the Town and Butch Leger for an outstanding job on the culvert program. Mayor Normand commented that it went well despite bad weather. Parish Council Member Jeff Kershaw thanked the Town for their hospitality in holding the Parish Council Meeting at the Brusly Town Hall, saying it was a wonderful place to have a meeting, and praised the cooks. He also said the culvert program is a wonderful example of Town and Parish governments cooperating. Council Member Andre’ said Coach Bible’s wrestling team sold crawfish stew, and had some extra to sell.
Council Member Bourgeois said it was really admirable what “Blue” Gay had done with his life, and not many Super Bowl players came from small towns such as ours; what we put on our Proclamation was really in our hearts. Mayor Normand and Council Member Andre’ remembered him as being also a “super student.”
Mayor Normand announced that the Town Hall would be closed March 25th in observance of Good Friday; that Colon Cancer Screening Kits would be available to seniors on March 24th at the Town Hall; and the Cleanest City Contest judging and reception would be on April 8, 2005 beginning at 9 A.M.
A motion was made by Council Member Perrault to adjourn, seconded by Council Member Andre’. The motion was unopposed. The meeting ended at 7:35 p.m.
/S/ Joey Normand, Mayor /S/ Jules Lefeaux, CMC, Town Clerk