November 11, 2024 Town of Brusly Brusly, Louisiana The regular meeting of the Town of…
Town Meeting Minutes – Monday, May 9, 2005
May 9, 2005
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana
The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was held this date, May 9, 2005 at the Brusly Town Hall. Mayor Joey Normand called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., and requested that all electronic devices be turned off or silenced. An award-winning student, Mr. Boston Hock, led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call by Town Clerk Jules Lefeaux determined the following officials present:
Mayor: Joey Normand
Council Members: David Rodrigue, Ronda Perrault, Joanne Bourgeois,
Shane Andre’, Chris Kershaw
Town Attorney: Jamie Fontenot
At the Mayor’s request, Council Member Bourgeois made a motion to amend the agenda to hear Item 9.1 Student of the Year Certificates. Motion was seconded
by Council Member Perrault. Mayor Normand presented Certificates of Congratulations to three students in the Brusly area who were named “Student of the Year” at their respective schools: Boston Hock, Lukeville Upper Elementary School; Ashley Landry, Brusly Middle School; Cody Rodriguez, Brusly High, was unable to attend the meeting. Council Member Bourgeois also congratulated Ms. Landry as a winner in the Cleanest City essay contest.
A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s Regular Meeting of April 11, 2005 was made by Council Member Bourgeois, seconded by Council Member Perrault and passed with no opposing votes.
A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s Special Meeting of April 20, 2005 regarding Wal-Mart was made by Council Member Perrault, seconded by Council Member Rodrigue and passed with no opposing votes.
A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s Special Meeting of April 29, 2005 regarding variances was made by Council Member Perrault, seconded by Council Member Kershaw and passed with no opposing votes.
Under Public Works, Mayor Normand requested authority to sign documents to provide for W.B.R. Parish personnel to do building inspections in the Town with a certified inspector, at 50% of the cost. A motion to authorize the mayor to sign necessary documents was made by Council Member Bourgeois, seconded by Council Member Andre’ and passed with no opposing votes.
Planning and Zoning minutes included the consideration of four variances requested by Mr. George “Skipper” Grady needed to build a house on Blanchard Street; however, the Special Meeting of April 29th had addressed those matters.
Under Finance Committee, Mayor Normand presented the Mayor’s Budget Messages for the Town of Brusly General Fund budget and the Sewer System Budget. Finances for the current year are much better than budgeted, due to cost savings by employees, grants and improved revenue on traffic fines. Citizens were invited to discuss the proposed budgets with him and Council Members. Town Clerk Lefeaux reported on the recent auction of surplus property; several old computers and citizens band radios were sold, but attendance was light, and the 1999 Ford police car drew no bids. Police Chief Jamie Whaley will try to sell the car to a nearby town. An unsold computer and accessories will be donated to the Skills Center of the West Baton Rouge Parish School Board.
Council Member Bourgeois reported that the Town of Brusly won the District VI Cleanest City Contest. Judging was not yet completed in the statewide contest.
An ordinance to adopt the General Fund Budget was introduced by Council Member Kershaw. An ordinance to adopt the Sewer System Budget was introduced by Council Member Perrault.
The attached Resolution in support of relocation the State’s Earl K. Long hospital to Baker was reviewed. A motion to approve the Resolution was made by Council Member Perrault, seconded by Council Member Rodrigue and passed with a unanimous vote.
The report of the Brusly Volunteer Fire Department was given by Assistant Fire Chief Fred McKenzie. In April, there were five first aid calls in the Town and 8 first aid calls outside the Town. There were two fire calls in the Town and two fire calls outside the Town. The Fire Department responded to two motor vehicle accidents and answered five mutual aid calls in Addis. The total calls for the month of April was 24, and 106 calls for the year.
The Police Department report for the month of March was given by Chief Jamie Whaley. He stated that there were 6 wrecks, two bench warrant arrests, no DWI arrests, one simple assault, five damages to property, four thefts, five alarms, 14 assistances to other agencies, no 911 calls, three drug arrests, three juvenile matters, 14 traffic arrests and 22 miscellaneous calls, for a total of 79 calls and 241 traffic citations issued for 369 violations. Chief Jamie Whaley praised the ladies at American Gateway Bank for their work in uncovering a check forgery ring. It would not have been done without their help; a total of over $113,000 in bad checks had been cashed in Baton Rouge. The Police Officers are watching for a plant thief. The case is about to be closed on the damage to the Back Brusly Oak Tree historical marker and bulletin board.
Correspondence of importance included a thank-you card from the seventh grade students for the Mayor’s participation in the Arts Festival, and a thank you from Ms. Dawn Henry for participating in the PAS testing program.
Mayor Normand gave the Mayor’s report for the month. He congratulated Attorney Jamie Fontenot, the Relay for Life Team Captain, and the Town of Brusly and Fire Department personnel for placing first in money collected for cancer research (a total of $8,800). The Mayor was “jailed” on April 13th so that people could contribute “bail money” to the Muscular Dystrophy campaign; with several other officials also participating, a total of $11,000 was donated. The Mayor is working with Mr. Larry Durbin of the Chamber of Commerce on “tax increment financing” plans similar to the Wal-Mart negotiations. Ms. LaTasha Delmore, a clerk in the Town Hall office, gave birth to a son today; she and her baby are doing fine. Mayor Normand attended the Student of the Year Reception for the West Baton Rouge Parish School Board. He will be on vacation from May 14th to May 25th; Mayor Pro-Tempore Joanne Bourgeois will be in charge of Town business.
Under Remarks of Personal Privilege, Council Member Andre’ thanked Planning and Zoning for their strong recommendation on variances considered. Council Member Rodrigue also commended them for a good job. Council Member Bourgeois thanked all citizens who so willingly cooperated in the Cleanest City programs, especially Mrs. Lillie Mabile, Mrs. Norma Stein and Mrs. Claudette Purnell who organized the reception for judges; the W.B.R. Sheriff’s Office; and the maintenance and office staffs. Mrs. Rosa Stelly asked about progress of an ordinance on cleanup of properties; Mayor Normand advised that we are studying an ordinance proposed in Baker, LA. Disposal of junk cars is difficult. Mr. Felton Crockett advised that people have their own interpretations of what is considered “clean.” Mayor Normand said there would be considerable discussions by the Town Council at committee meetings. Regarding garbage pickup, the new system actually costs less.
Mayor Normand announced that LA Highway 1 repairs from Addis to Plaquemine started April 28th and should end about September 24, 2005.
A motion was made by Council Member Andre’ to adjourn, seconded by Council Member Perrault. The motion was unopposed. The meeting ended at 7:02 p.m.
/S/ Joey Normand, Mayor /S/ Jules Lefeaux, CMC, Town Clerk